Has someone used your info to open accounts, steal your tax refund or file fake claims? That’s identity theft. It can happen to anyone, but a few simple steps can help protect you. In recognition of Identity Theft Week, we offer the following tips to keep you informed and help you protect yourself.
How Your Information Gets Stolen
Typically, someone trying to steal your identity will use information like your name and address, bank account number, credit card number and Social Security number to:
- Open accounts or even utilities like electricity in gas in your name
- Steal your tax refund
- Buy things with your credit cards
- Get medical insurance or a job
- And even pretend to be you in person
Most Common Forms of Identity Theft
There are many ways thieves steal your identity. Most theft is done electronically, which is why protecting your information online is critical, but it’s also as easy as stealing mail out of your mailbox. Here are the most common forms of identity theft:
Data breaches: The personal information you have stored online with a retailer, medical provider, etc. is stolen when their website is hacked.
Malware attacks: Cybercriminals infect your device when you click on a link in an email or text.
Phishing: Scammers use deceptive emails or other messages to trick people into giving away personal information.
Unsafe Internet Connections: Using public Wi-Fi or connecting to a USB charging station at a hotel or airport can put devices at risk.
Mail Theft: Thieves steal mail with personal information out of your mailbox
How to Know if Someone Has Stolen Your Identity
Keeping track of your bills and monitoring your credit are the easiest ways to detect if someone has stolen your identity.
Bills: If you stop receiving bills, call the company or check your account with that company online. Check your accounts regularly to ensure there are no charges for items you didn’t purchase. If you receive bills from companies with whom you never opened an account, that’s a sign someone opened an account in your name and is expecting you to foot the bill.
Bank Accounts: Check your accounts often for withdrawals you didn’t make or transactions that look suspicious. Report anything you don’t recognize immediately.
Credit Reports: Check your credit report regularly for accounts you don’t recognize. Any bank account or credit card opened in your name will appear on your credit report.
How to Prevent Identity Theft
- Never click on links in emails or texts unless you are positive they are coming from a reputable source. Your mom, brother or best friend are not always reputable sources. If you right click on a link, you can often see the URL. If it’s not the website of the company who supposedly sent the link, there’s a good chance it’s not legit.
- Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication on every online account you have – even email. If someone gets into one of your online accounts and has access to your email, they can lock you out of your account and shop at your expense.
- Never give personal information to someone who calls you, even if they claim to be your bank. Banks already have your information. For verification purposes, a bank or retailer might ask for the last 4 digits of your Social Security or card number, but they will never ask for the whole number.
- Don’t throw paper documents with personal information in your trash without shredding them.
If you think someone has stolen your identity, contact the banks/companies for any accounts you think may have been compromised so they can freeze your account. Then, freeze your credit at all three credit bureaus. This will prevent anyone from opening anything else in your name. freeze your credit. Finally, report your identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission.
Just a few extra precautions when shopping online or accessing online accounts can help protect you against identity theft.
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